
Do you travel by plane regularly? Or just occasionally? Do you use the airport shuttle service on several occasions? Do you want to know what useful information we can provide to those travelling by plane? Follow our helpful news related to air travel, airport transfers, flights, or airport parking.

Suitcase packaging at special prices

Park your car comfortably and protect your suitcase! The luggage packaging in the VIP Car Park is only 1,400 HUF!



DIRECT flights from Budapest to New York and Chicago

Direct flight from Budapest to New York? YES, it is possible now. The LOT operates regular flights from Budapest to New York and Chicago.



How to fly with a little child? - Travel tips for families

The biggest fear of holidaymakers with family, which usually discourages them from flying, is that the otherwise boring, relaxing or entertaining flight can turn into a nightmare when travelling with a little child.

